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Your multi-dimensional healer, soul expansion mentor and energy guide here to empower you to activate your soul memory and uniqueness for your mission as an Expansion Master.



Part of my mission here is to help you master your energy and awaken your soul gifts.


I’m not here for the light hearted. I’m here to help you to become the most conscious version of yourself, shining light on the shadow aspects and integrating them for massive shifts.


Unafraid to speak my truth, I am devoted to bringing light into this world through personal healing, change and transformation.


As a weaver of light who transmutes dark cords and alchemises them into light through the language of energy, I embody and emit a high vibrational frequency for light to channel through from higher planes.


With heart energy that is very vast, I am a living energy portal and my light energy is channelled straight from Source.


I see the way in which a souls energetic structure and gifts are formed by penetrating an individuals field with laser awareness.


The quantum healing and guidance I share is a vibration through visuals, language and sound. They are what my soul speaks and knows as I recall codes and memories from lifetimes of learning.


I am soul-woven, raw, authentic, wild, passionate, heart-centred and grounded. I help to illuminate the dark in order to fulfil my purpose.


These are my gifts, and each of you have your unique gifts.


And I’m here to help you remember all these parts of yourself and how to work with your gifts for your own personal mastery.


I’m calling in the souls who are ready to work with me. You’ll know if you it’s you, because you’ll feel it.



The path for many coaches and energy practitioners often begins with their own personal journey of healing, preparing them for their spiritual calling to work with others. 


You might want to grab a cuppa because it’s going to be a bit of a long one, but I promise you it’s worth it.


I want to share a story with you…


I was living a life that I didn’t truly love for many years.


On the surface, from the outside looking in, I seemed like I had it all.


Living overseas in beautiful foreign countries, travelling to exotic locations, having many fun experiences, and a successful corporate job in human resources.


I had the house, the dog, the great friends, amazing family…


But what you didn’t see behind the closed doors was a person who was often sad, deeply lonely and at times very anxious or even depressed.


I pushed myself to the edges of burn out regularly and made a lot of decisions in my life to please others.


Finding a relationship was hard as well. 14 years single with barely anything longer than 3 months during that time.


Like so many of us, I was living with the trauma of a destructive failed relationship plus all the other childhood stuff that you can’t help but accumulate.


I sought out help from psychologists, acupuncturists, and other specialists to help me feel like me – to fix all the things that I thought were broken.


Everything started to feel like a bit of a Band-Aid. I would go to see these practitioners and feel good for a few days, maybe a few weeks or maybe a few months, but then I would end up back in the same place again.


To manage all the emotions and the exhaustion of constantly giving to others and not to myself, I drank alcohol almost every day.


I never listened to what it was that I truly needed.

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Then one fateful day at work, an email dropped into my inbox for a new yoga studio opening across the road… I knew that the email was meant to find its way to me.


And in that moment, and from that moment onwards, I began to let my intuition guide me back to the true essence of me.


It didn’t take me long to reignite my love for yoga (after first becoming acquainted with it as a teenager), so much so that I quickly took the path of becoming a yoga teacher.


I started cutting back days in my corporate job, I was feeling so much more alive within myself and could start to see the glimmers of Leanne coming back.


In a short space of time, I began making so many ‘brave’ decisions to completely transform and turn my life upside-down.


My intuition guided me to become a vegetarian, to move across town and open my own yoga studio, to leave my corporate job, to meet my beautiful partner, to quit alcohol (now 18 months on) … and then to become an energy healer.


That’s when the game truly began to change for me… learning that we are all simply energy felt like the exact piece of the puzzle that had been missing all these years.


My gifts began to surface, and I realised that I could feel the energy and emotions of other people within my own body.


I quickly developed those abilities into reading, clearing, and channelling the energy and emotions of others.


It wasn’t long after that many more magical gifts appeared – light language, writing light codes, psychic abilities and remembering that I can hold hundreds, if not thousands, of souls in my field all at once.


I now know that my energy is big and expansive. It’s wild, it’s fast, it’s passionate, it loves exploring and learning, it dives deep, and it transmutes energy.


And all of this comes down to the power of my intuition that has led me to this point.


I learned to listen to the ‘hell yes’ feelings within my body and act on them, even though it was scary as heck.


I started letting go of the things that made me feel yuck, and I started choosing me first.

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Now I’m not saying that there wasn’t a lot of hard work along the way… there certainly was.


I had to allow for a lot of unconscious programs and beliefs to come to the surface to be acknowledged and healed.


But what a magical journey I’ve had in this last 5 years, and I’ve never felt more like myself.


That version of me I described to your earlier, feels like such a distant memory – I don’t even recognise her anymore.


I’ve even stepped into owning my name – Leanne Grothe – because for so long, I didn’t even resonate with it.


But interestingly, when you Google the word ‘growth’, you get the synonym ‘expansion’.


And that’s exactly what I am here for. SOUL EXPANSION. And if you’ve made it this far in my story, you are here for it too.

I share this story with you in the hopes to inspire you to start listening to your intuition.


To help you let go of the stories that you tell yourself everyday about why you can’t live the life that lights you up EVERY SINGLE DAY.


To help you to come back to you. The true essence of you. And loving every single part of you, so that more of the things you’ve kept hidden can finally come to the surface.


I’m here for all the beautiful souls who are ready for their soul expansion journey.


I am SO here for it. Because this lights me up, every single day.


Thank you for making it through my story. I hope I’ve inspired you in some way, or maybe just gave you a good read while drinking your cuppa – at the very least!


So much love & light to you all




Formally trained and certified as a Reiki Master, Quantum Energy Coach and Yoga & Meditation teacher, I use my knowledge and soul gifts to help you embody your infinite potential so that you can illuminate and expand your light & magic.

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